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Initially it is best to knead the area and increase chengdu escort local circulation before beginning deeper work. An increase in circulation will make it easier to flush the muscle with nutrients as you work through the muscle layers. Sometimes you'll feel the muscles begin to soften with simple kneading strokes which is easier on the therapist and recipient. As you begin to work deeper slow down the speed of the strokes. I've been the recipient of a deep and fast massage and ended up feeling as if I had been beaten up.


In that case I didn't say anything because I was the instructor receiving a escort chengdu in the school clinic from a student. Typically I would wait until the end of the massage to give my critique. If you're going to work deep it is important that you listen with your hands. You can accomplish a great deal with a few, slow, purposeful strokes than you can with 100 fast ones. For those with muscle atrophy quick strokes are excellent for building muscle tone.


When the muscles are already tight fast strokes will prevent the muscle from relaxing. If you decide to work deep, gradually increase the pressure and when you meet a barrier of resistance hold that spot for a few seconds. In most cases the escort in chengdu muscle will begin to unwind and then you simply follow it. In cases of tight, fibrous, and sometimes crunchy muscles you may need a different technique if the muscle isn't releasing.

What Massage Will Effect to Muscle

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